Month: November 2009

  • Life is a made up of a long chain of events. Like a thousand miles of Christmas lights strung across the branches of our lives, one decision leads to the next which leads to the next and the next, ad infinitum. On my Walk to work this morning I was contemplating how I got here.…


  • I didn’t think it was possible, but I have a new favorite by Donald Miller… A Million Miles In A Thousand Years Read it in a little over a week. Parts of it resonated so strongly with me I had to physically put the book down for a few minutes and take a deep breath.…


  • What an amazing performance! It was such a mesmerizing show. I was thinking about how different this show was from the one I saw at a dingy college bar in Lexington, KY over 10 years ago. At that show, Karin (the lead vocalist) berated some of the audience members for their rude manners–as they were…


  • Tomorrow: In the morning, Sarah’s last soccer game, in the afternoon, brewing a batch of beer with some guys from church…and then, in the evening… Going with my wife to see one of my all-time favorite musical groups, Over the Rhine at The Triple Door in Seattle. This week has really made up for last…


  • Got a call this morning from Goddard College, the “vanguard” school to offer low-residency programs in Master’s of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing. Short story: I’m “in”. I’ve been accepted to participate in graduate level work in creative nonfiction. The program starts in January but I’m hoping I can defer that and start in…


  • These pictures come in a little bit late, but that’s because our Halloween coincided with the swine flu epidemic in our household.


  • My wife and kids got the Swine flu, my car battery died, the Yankees won the World Series, and I got my second rejection letter from an MFA program I applied to. November has been real special so far. Glad when this freakin week is over. (I know it’s not really that bad in the…


  • Out the front door of our apartment, I flip off the light, close up, and use my key to swing the deadbolt. Before leaving the building I run inventory: Computer bag? Check. Lunchbox? Check. To-go coffee mug? Check. From there it’s down the long corridor, out the back door, dress shoes on concrete, wet grass,…


  • After a rough weekend, the Johnson household is on the road to recovery. Still some sniffles, coughs, and soreness (Christa) but thankfully the flu has passed on to its next stop. I’m just excited that it is November and I can start listening to some Christmas music. I figure why wait around for Thanksgiving this…
